Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Hello world! My name's John, and I'll be your guide into the wonderful world of news and journalism. I'm a top notch journalist that graduated from a university. I even live in a big city! Anyways, this blog is a selection of news stories that I feel are important and worth talking about. The original articles will all be linked at the bottom, so you guys can check them out for yourselves.

In today's world of "false journalism" and fake news, it's vital that people like me step things up and represent the people. I'm one of you guys! I know what you care about, and, by golly, I'm going to give it to you.

HEALTH/JUSTICE: Michigan Law Passed, Promotes "Rape Insurance"

courtesy of Getty Images

Looks like Michigan is a fan of rape! Earlier this week, a measure was passed that banned insurance coverage for abortion in private health plans. The measure, which is pretty much set in stone as a law, despite the outcry of the people, added the state of Michigan as one of the eight states that restrict medical coverage of abortion.

But here's the best part: abortion coverage will be available to women who purchase it separately.

So basically, the misogynists up in Michigan are saying "Hey! You, victim of rape! Sucks that you didn't get coverage, you probably should've thought ahead! Sorry!"

This is utterly ridiculous. The people of Michigan need to wake up and fight against this tyranny. This isn't an issue about abortion anymore, it's about the government singling out victims of rape. What's next? All rape victims have to wear special badges? Are we going to start deporting them? Sickening.

POLITICS: Obama Takes Selfie, Nation Humiliated

The world is mourning the loss of revolutionary civil rights activist and political leader, Nelson Mandela. But what's Obama doing?

Taking a selfie.

That's right folks, our Great Leader is actually taking a selfie during Nelson Mandela's funeral ceremony. Now I'm not one to be hateful, but this is ridiculous. Of course Obama has to make the ceremony about himself, and making a complete fool out of the United States. This is no longer about Nelson Mandela's death, oh no. Now it's about Obama assuming control as the foremost black leader, and he's obviously proud of himself.

The other two in the picture, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt were no doubt coerced into taking the photo by Obama. Surprisingly enough, First Lady Michelle Obama was not interested in the photo op.

This brings forward one of Obama's greatest issues as a president, his ego. Time after time, Obama turns political issues into a personal spectacle. Obamacare, a massive-scale disaster on most fronts, was just one of the products of Obama's refusal to step forward as a leader. I think it might be time for some change Mr. President.

WORLD NEWS: Indian Parliament Full of Homophobes

Indian Supreme Court Building- Wikimedia commons

For once American media is no longer in the homophobic spotlight. As of last Wednesday, it's now illegal for two consenting homosexual partners to have sex. This ruling is known as Section 377, and has been around since colonial times. In 2009, a non-profit foundation for homosexual rights, the Naz Foundation, fought to decriminalize homosexuality, but were eventually overturned when Christian, Hindu, and Muslim groups came forward.

What's with all the hate and bigotry? This is a major setback in worldwide equality and dignity. I don't understand how a group of people whose religions preach love and peace (at least in the case of Christianity) could condone this. It's pretty ironic though, considering how the supreme court building is kind of phallic looking.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

RELIGION: Nativity Scene Removed From Air Force Base

Unsurprisingly, God-fearing Americans have come under fire once again. Baby Jesus was removed from Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, under the claim of "infringing upon secularism". The Military Religious Freedom Foundation was notified by an undisclosed number of emotionally traumatized Airmen, who subsequently wrote a statement to the Air Force to remove the scene. Those poor soldiers, having to look upon the scene of an infant surrounded by his family and animals in a stable. Paul Loebe, a representative of the MRFF wrote that display was a "direct violation" of the United States Constitution.

What I don't think Mr. Loebe understands is that the Constitution allows for equal representation. If secularists are so mad, why not just put up their own, secular holiday scene? Oh wait, that's because people like Loebe and the MRFF are more interested in destroying American traditions than establishing their own. Merry Christmas became Happy Holidays, Jesus is no longer allowed to be scene on the streets, and soon, I wouldn't be surprised if churches alltogether were forced to remove holiday decorations.

Tis the season, I suppose.

Monday, December 9, 2013

CELEBRITY NEWS: Katy Perry Spotted Wearing a Jacket

Earlier this week, it was confirmed that Katy Perry was out and about sporting a new, stylish coat and a colorful new hairdo. The pop artist, widely popular across the world, was spotted wearing a beige jacket with a matching purse. This is a stunning outfit for Katy, and I truly find her style something to behold. Amidst the trials and tribulations of American life, Miss Perry stands as an idol to our way of life. Truly, this is news. Thank you, Katy Perry. You've made this week just a bit more tolerable.