Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WORLD NEWS: Indian Parliament Full of Homophobes

Indian Supreme Court Building- Wikimedia commons

For once American media is no longer in the homophobic spotlight. As of last Wednesday, it's now illegal for two consenting homosexual partners to have sex. This ruling is known as Section 377, and has been around since colonial times. In 2009, a non-profit foundation for homosexual rights, the Naz Foundation, fought to decriminalize homosexuality, but were eventually overturned when Christian, Hindu, and Muslim groups came forward.

What's with all the hate and bigotry? This is a major setback in worldwide equality and dignity. I don't understand how a group of people whose religions preach love and peace (at least in the case of Christianity) could condone this. It's pretty ironic though, considering how the supreme court building is kind of phallic looking.

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