Wednesday, December 11, 2013

POLITICS: Obama Takes Selfie, Nation Humiliated

The world is mourning the loss of revolutionary civil rights activist and political leader, Nelson Mandela. But what's Obama doing?

Taking a selfie.

That's right folks, our Great Leader is actually taking a selfie during Nelson Mandela's funeral ceremony. Now I'm not one to be hateful, but this is ridiculous. Of course Obama has to make the ceremony about himself, and making a complete fool out of the United States. This is no longer about Nelson Mandela's death, oh no. Now it's about Obama assuming control as the foremost black leader, and he's obviously proud of himself.

The other two in the picture, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt were no doubt coerced into taking the photo by Obama. Surprisingly enough, First Lady Michelle Obama was not interested in the photo op.

This brings forward one of Obama's greatest issues as a president, his ego. Time after time, Obama turns political issues into a personal spectacle. Obamacare, a massive-scale disaster on most fronts, was just one of the products of Obama's refusal to step forward as a leader. I think it might be time for some change Mr. President.

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