Tuesday, December 10, 2013

RELIGION: Nativity Scene Removed From Air Force Base

Unsurprisingly, God-fearing Americans have come under fire once again. Baby Jesus was removed from Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, under the claim of "infringing upon secularism". The Military Religious Freedom Foundation was notified by an undisclosed number of emotionally traumatized Airmen, who subsequently wrote a statement to the Air Force to remove the scene. Those poor soldiers, having to look upon the scene of an infant surrounded by his family and animals in a stable. Paul Loebe, a representative of the MRFF wrote that display was a "direct violation" of the United States Constitution.

What I don't think Mr. Loebe understands is that the Constitution allows for equal representation. If secularists are so mad, why not just put up their own, secular holiday scene? Oh wait, that's because people like Loebe and the MRFF are more interested in destroying American traditions than establishing their own. Merry Christmas became Happy Holidays, Jesus is no longer allowed to be scene on the streets, and soon, I wouldn't be surprised if churches alltogether were forced to remove holiday decorations.

Tis the season, I suppose.

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